MIT batches via SFTP

This feature allows merchants to send FlexCharge batches of failed transactions for subscriptions without integration.

Step 1. Create a Sandbox account

If you don't already have a Sandbox account with the required credentials to start using our APIs, you can request one at [email protected]

Step 2. Get credentials for our SFTP

Share with us your public SSH key so that we can provide a secured access to our server, as well as the IP address from which the batches will be sent, so that we can whitelist it.

We'll then create 2 dedicated folders for you: one for inbound files, one for outbound files.

Step 3. Authenticate

Use your AppKey and AppSecret to retrieve a bearer token and authenticate your requests.

How to /authenticate.

Step 4. Sandbox environment



Send a copy of every successful transaction as an array of /transmit. We will use it to build a customized risk model based on your volumes.

For Sandbox, send us a sample file containing some transactions. We will process it as a certification test.

For Production, you will send us the copies of your transactions through a daily batch. Please note that copies of transactions must be sent within 24 hours maximum.

Format JSON or .csv
HeaderMust contain your
- mid, your FlexCharge Merchant Identification Number. Get your Mid ID
- Authorization: bearer, token retrieved by /oauth2/token
BodyAn array of /transmit.
Maximum size per file2000 rows.
PCI dataNo PCI data is required for this file, no need for tokenization.


You will first need to /tokenize the payment method, and then send us a sample file containing failed transactions as an array of /evaluate. We will process it as a certification test.


No real PCI data in Sandbox environment

Make sure you only use whitelisted credit cards for the Sandbox.


We will process it as a certification test.

Format JSON
ConfigurationMust contain your
- mid, your FlexCharge Merchant Identification Number. Get your Mid ID
- authorizationToken: bearer, token retrieved by /oauth2/token
- expiryDateUtc, period during which FlexCharge will retry the batch.
(NB: a specific expiryDateUtc can be set for each transaction, the one in the header will be used as default)
Transaction requestsAn array of /evaluate.
PCI dataMust be tokenized test data .
Data cannot be hashed.

File size

Maximum 2k requests per file. Send multiple files if necessary

Request example

  "mid": "a8a0a74d-2509-4cbc-9eb5-879c7a34eb45",//merchant's mid can be found in the Sandbox account
  "authorizationToken": "Bearer abc123def456", //replace with bearer returned by oauth2
  "expiryDateUtc": "2023-04-05T01:23:45.678Z", //default expiry date and time for the whole batch
  "requests": [

    "isMIT": true,
    "isRecurring": true,
    "subscription": {
        "subscriptionId": "sub_123456",
        "schemeTransactionId": "txn_789012",
        "schemeBrand": "Visa",
        "interval": "Monthly",
        "price": 2599,
        "currency": "USD",
        "paymentNumber": 2,
        "totalPayments": 12
    "threeDSecure": {
        "threeDsVersion": "2.1.0",
        "ecommerceIndicator": "02",
        "authenticationValue": "abcdefg12345",
        "directoryServerTransactionId": "ds_987654",
        "xid": "xid_246810",
        "authenticationValueAlgorithm": "SHA-256",
        "directoryResponseStatus": "Y",
        "authenticationResponseStatus": "Y",
        "enrolled": "Y"
  "transaction": {
    "id": "3478613",
    "timestampUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "timezoneUtcOffset": 0,
    "amount": 19975,
    "currency": "USD",
    "responseCode": "203",
    "avsResultCode": "M",
    "cvvResultCode": "NA",
    "processorName": "Acme Payments",
    "cavvResultCode": "2",
    "responseCodeSource": "NMI",
    "responseDescription": "Activity limit exceeded",
    "responseStatus": "DECLINED",
    "transactionType": "CAPTURE"
  "payer": {
    "id": "customer123",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "+1 555-123-4567",
    "birthdate": "1990-01-01"
  "orderItems": [
      "sku": "SKU123",
      "name": "Subscription 1",
      "description": "Description of Subscription 1",
      "amount": 20000,
      "discountAmount": 0,
      "tax": 100,
      "quantity": 1
      "sku": "SKU456",
      "name": "Subscription 2",
      "description": "Description of Subscription 2",
      "amount": 10000,
      "discountAmount": 0,
      "tax": 50,
      "quantity": 1
  "shippingInformation": {
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "phone": "+1 555-123-4567",
    "country": "United States",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "addressLine1": "123 Main St.",
    "city": "CA",
    "zipcode": "94111"
  "merchant": {
    "country": "US",
    "mcc": 1234,
    "id": "merchant123",
    "name": "Acme Inc."
  "paymentMethod": {
    "holderName": "John Doe",
    "cardType": "CREDIT",
    "cardBrand": "VISA",
    "cardCountry": "United States",
    "cardIssuer": "Acme Bank",
    "cardFingerprint": "abcd1234",
    "expirationMonth": 2028,
    "expirationYear": 12,
    "cardBinNumber": "123456",
    "cardLast4Digits": "7890",
    "cardNumber": "zJb6YF7pL5gk8x9VhRnSwHd4q2t" //Do not send credit card number in clear, send token returned by /tokenize
  "billingInformation": {
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "phone": "+1 555-123-4567",
    "country": "United States",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "addressLine1": "123 Main St.",
    "state": "CA",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "zipcode": "94111"
  "mid": "a8a0a74d-2509-4cbc-9eb5-879c7a34eb45",
  "orderId": "ed44736a-b5fa-4bc2-bfb9-0e873bc09511",
  "idempotencyKey": "abcd1234",
  "senseKey": "1234567890"
"isMIT": true,
"isRecurring": true,
"isDecline": true,
"subscription": {
    "subscriptionId": "sub_654321",
    "schemeTransactionId": "txn_210987",
    "schemeBrand": "Mastercard",
    "interval": "Weekly",
    "price": 15.99,
    "currency": "USD",
    "paymentNumber": 3,
    "totalPayments": 52
  "threeDSecure": {
    "threeDsVersion": "2.2.0",
    "ecommerceIndicator": "01",
    "authenticationValue": "hijklm67890",
    "directoryServerTransactionId": "ds_456789",
    "xid": "xid_135790",
    "authenticationValueAlgorithm": "SHA-512",
    "directoryResponseStatus": "A",
    "authenticationResponseStatus": "C",
    "enrolled": "Y"
    "transaction": {
    "id": "1234567",
    "timestampUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "timezoneUtcOffset": 0,
    "amount": 14999,
    "currency": "USD",
    "responseCode": "204",
    "avsResultCode": "N",
    "cvvResultCode": "M",
    "processorName": "XYZ Payments",
    "cavvResultCode": "1",
    "responseCodeSource": "Braintree",
    "responseDescription": "Insufficient funds",
    "responseStatus": "DECLINED",
    "transactionType": "AUTHORIZE"
  "payer": {
    "id": "customer456",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "+1 555-987-6543",
    "birthdate": "1985-05-05"
    "orderItems": [
    "sku": "SKU789",
    "name": "Product 3",
    "description": "Description of Product 3",
    "amount": 30000,
    "discountAmount": 0,
    "tax": 150,
    "quantity": 2
        "sku": "SKU012",
    "name": "Product 4",
    "description": "Description of Product 4",
    "amount": 25000,
    "discountAmount": 0,
    "tax": 125,
    "quantity": 1
    "shippingInformation": {
    "firstName": "Jane",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "phone": "+1 555-987-6543",
    "country": "United States",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "addressLine1": "456 Oak St.",
    "city": "NY",
    "zipcode": "10001"
    "merchant": {
    "country": "US",
    "mcc": 5678,
    "id": "merchant456",
    "name": "XYZ Inc."
    "paymentMethod": {
    "holderName": "Jane Doe",
    "cardType": "CREDIT",
    "cardBrand": "MASTERCARD",
    "cardCountry": "United States",
    "cardIssuer": "XYZ Bank",
    "cardFingerprint": "efgh5678",
    "expirationMonth": 2028,
    "expirationYear": 12,
    "cardBinNumber": "123456",
    "cardLast4Digits": "7890",
    "cardNumber": "zJb6YF7pL5gk8x9VhRnSwHd4q2t" //Do not send credit card number in clear, send token returned by /tokenize

  "billingInformation": {
    "firstName": "Jane",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "phone": "+1 555-987-6543",
    "country": "United States",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "addressLine1": "456 Oak St.",
    "city": "NY",
    "zipcode": "10001"
  "mid": "a8a0a74d-2509-4cbc-9eb5-879c7a34eb45",
  "orderId": "ed44736a-b5fa-4bc2-bfb9-0e873bc09511",
  "idempotencyKey": "abcd1234",
  "senseKey": "1234567890"

Outbound: Submitted or Validation

Once we have received the /evaluate batch, we will respond with either one of these response files:

  • Submitted: your batch was collected and will now be processed
  • Validation error: your batch contains errors. Please correct them and resubmit.

Subscribe to a webhook

FlexCharge will retry every transaction in the batch for the period of time you have set withexpiryDateUtc.

Get notified as soon as the status of one transaction is updated. How to subscribe to a webhook.

Possible status update for each transaction: APPROVED (the order was successfully rescued by FLexCharge) or EXPIRED(FlexCharge couldn't rescue this transaction during this period of time)

Step 5. Production environment

Once we have validated that the entire flow runs as expected, we will then move to production environment.



Send a copy of every transaction as an array of /transmit. We will use it to build a customized risk model based on your volumes.

Send us the copies of your transactions through a daily batch. Please note that copies of transactions must be sent within 24 hours maximum

All transactions = Successful, failed, Initials and rebills.

Format JSON
HeaderMust contain your
- mid, your FlexCharge Merchant Identification Number. Get your Mid ID
- Authorization: bearer, token retrieved by /oauth2/token
BodyAn array of /transmit
Maximum size per file2000 rows.
PCI dataNo PCI data is required for this file.


Before sending a a batch of failed transactions, you will first need to /tokenize each payment method.


Format JSON
ConfigurationMust contain your
- mid, your FlexCharge Merchant Identification Number. Get your Mid ID
- authorizationToken: bearer, token retrieved by /oauth2/token
- expiryDateUtc, period during which FlexCharge will retry the batch.
(NB: a specific expiryDateUtc can be set for each transaction, the one in the header will be used as default)
Transaction requestsAn array of /evaluate.
PCI dataMust be tokenized.
Data cannot be hashed.

File size

Maximum 2k requests per file. Send multiple files if necessary


Send only MIT that have just failed

The FlexCharge service is optimized to work with failed Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT) that have just failed. These need to be passed to FlexCharge on that day (and not after a few days or weeks) and should not be retried by the Merchant up to the set expiry date.

Request example

  "mid": "93af3a71-8505-49dc-85e2-9a5fce6a014a",
  "authorizationToken": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI4YWMyMGJlZS0wZTI3LTRkZTEtOTIyYS1kMzg2ZDcyMDUxZmEiLCJ1bmlxdWVfbmFtZSI6IjhhYzIwYmVlLTBlMjctNGRlMS05MjJhLWQzODZkNzIwNTFmYSIsImp0aSI6IjBhZjI2NDNmLWQ3NTUtNDUzZC05NWZmLWZkYzcxZDg2N2U1ZSIsImlhdCI6IjE2ODA2MjE3MTYxOTQiLCJhdWQiOlsiYXBpLWNsaWVudC1zZXJ2aWNlIiwiZWxpZ2liaWxpdHktc2VydmljZSIsIm9yZGVycy1zZXJ2aWNlIl0sImN1c3RvbTptaWQiOiI5M2JmM2Y3MS04NTA1LTQ5ZGMtODVlMi05YTVmY2U2YTAxNGEiLCJuYmYiOjE2ODA2MjE3MTYsImV4cCI6MTY4MDYyMjMxNiwiaXNzIjoiQXBpLUNsaWVudC1TZXJ2aWNlIn0.p0icLxAIydvw2GDqNXcLiC-kwnsAEvLdnjZOW552onQ",
  "expiryDateUtc": "2023-04-05T01:23:45.678Z",
  "requests": [
      "isDeclined": true,
      "mid": "93af3a71-8505-49dc-85e2-9a5fce6a014a",
      "orderId": "ORDER123",
      "descriptor": "ACME INC",
      "merchant": {
        "name": "Merchant name",
        "id": "93bf3f71-8505-49dc-85e2-9a5fce6a014a",
        "mcc": "701",
        "country": "USA"
      "idempotencyKey": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "transaction": {
        "id": "1680621715284",
        "timestampUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
        "timezoneUtcOffset": 0,
        "amount": "6420",
        "currency": "USD",
        "responseCode": "202",
        "responseCodeSource": "nmi",
        "avsResultCode": "M",
        "cvvResultCode": "M",
        "cavvResultCode": "2",
        "cardNotPresent": false
      "payer": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone": "5032219597"
      "paymentMethod": {
        "holderName": "JOHN DOE",
        "cardType": "debit",
        "cardBrand": "VISA",
        "cardCountry": "US",
        "expirationMonth": "10",
        "expirationYear": "2033",
        "cardNumber": "4HV330MHAAXb9V1Z2iZH5R6R9EC",  /**This is the tokenized PCI data**/
        "cardBinNumber": "54138900",
        "cardLast4Digits": "0010"
      "billingInformation": {
        "firstName": "JOHN",
        "lastName": "DOE",
        "country": "US",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "addressLine1": "478 EAST ST",
        "addressLine2": "",
        "state": "PA",
        "city": "BLOOMSBURG",
        "zipcode": "178151847"
      "shippingInformation": null,
      "orderItems": [
          "sku": "123",
          "name": "Subscription 1",
          "description": "Subscription 111",
          "amount": "6420",
          "quantity": 1
      "isRecurring": true,
      "subscription": {
        "subscriptionId": "SUBSCRIPTION123",
        "interval": "monthly",
        "price": "6420",
        "currency": "USD"
      "expiryDateUtc": "2021-09-30T00:00:00",
      "additionalFields" : null

Secured Processing

We will securely process the transaction file, by validating its format, running security checks, and then decrypting it.

Outbound: Submitted or Validation

Once we have received the /evaluate batch, we will respond with either one of these response files:

  • Submitted: your batch was collected and will now be processed
  • Validation error: your batch contains errors. Please correct them and resubmit.


Processing times

SFTP processing is async: once you have uploaded your files, they won't appear immediately on your portal.

The system processes transactions twice a day:

  • 1pm and 6pm UTC

Result will be known on:

  • the next day at 12pm UTC

Subscribe to a webhook

FlexCharge will retry every transaction in the batch for the period of time you have set withexpiryDateUtc.

Get notified as soon as the status of one transaction is updated. How to subscribe to a webhook.

Possible status update for each transaction: APPROVED (the order was successfully rescued by FlexCharge) or EXPIRED(FlexCharge couldn't rescue this transaction during this period of time)